

Chilli's guitarist John Frusciante releases 11th solo album, Enclosure.

Published on June 02,2014 by Review from old page

Enclosure was written, produced, performed and engineered by Frusciante in his Los...

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Touring Festival Dot To Dot Kicks Off In Manchester

Published on June 02,2014 by Review from old page

The Ritz Basement is the very definition of a sweat box; the humid air so heavy and...

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Touring Festival Dot To Dot Kicks Off In Manchester

Published on June 02,2014 by Review from old page

The Ritz Basement is the very definition of a sweat box; the humid air so heavy and...

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Touring Festival Dot To Dot Kicks Off In Manchester

Published on June 02,2014 by Review from old page

The Ritz Basement is the very definition of a sweat box; the humid air so heavy and...

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Touring Festival Dot To Dot Kicks Off In Manchester

Published on June 02,2014 by Review from old page

The Ritz Basement is the very definition of a sweat box; the humid air so heavy and dense...

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Tonic Fold deliver the future of classical crossover with 'The Violent Language of Portraits'

Published on June 02,2014 by Review from old page

Classical crossover is a minefield. Despite widespread commercial success, it generally...

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Hamilton Leithauser steps out from the shadows of The Walkmen on a debut that dazzles

Published on May 30,2014 by Review from old page

Infused with a playful exuberance and lightness that wasn't necessary The Walkman's...

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Say 'Hey' to New York City's Incendiary Electro-rapper Le1f

Published on May 30,2014 by Review from old page

Lets get this out of the way straight away Le1fs new EP ‘Hey’ is addictive to say the...

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Klaxons are back with their third album, ‘Love Frequency’.

Published on May 30,2014 by Review from old page

Again exploring the boundaries between British electro-pop and indie rock, creating...

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Debut album from Teleman builds rather than rests on former glories

Published on May 29,2014 by Review from old page

There's little looking back as ex-Pete and the Pirates stalwarts are reborn as Teleman ...

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