Anvil's New Lease Of Life Rocks Glasgow
Following on from the 2008 documentary Anvil! The Story Of Anvil, the Canadian Metal stalwarts were given a much required new lease of life. For not only was their comedy and charm throughout the documents of their Spinal Tap-esque adventures, but moreover their very real human emotions and blinding enthusiasm for following the dreams they had as kids, to make it as ‘rock stars’, touched a cord amongst audiences throughout.
Thus in turn their show in Glasgow’s ABC, functions mostly as a celebratory affair throughout. With old rockers, hipsters and young metal kids seemingly as one, up for a laugh and wiling the band along at every step. And it’s an energetic performance from the start, evident as the strains of rocker 'School Love' rings out, quickly followed by the somewhat comedic newer number 'Bad Ass Rock and Roll', which quickly descends into a crowd clap along.
The drink already freely flowing around the venue, the crowd seemingly intent on letting their collective hair down. The band meanwhile, working as a three piece, fairly tight and in synch throughout. Lip in particular offering up an endearing goofy, idiot charm at the stage front, shredding, smiling and of course his trademark playing his guitar with a dildo.
The band in turn clearly evidently committed and giving 100% seemingly throughout it all, Lip even commenting many times about his love for Glasgow audiences. Anvil meanwhile being very much in a sense the perfect band for a city like Glasgow, in terms of being unpretentious, down to earth and with an overall rough-hewn charm.
The old school thrash stylings of 'Hope In Hell' keep up the momentum, while the rockier 'Fuel For the Fire' continues the party, with a latter drum solo and guitar interlude familiarly in the cannon of old school metal shows,thrown in for good measure.
Though none the less, a clear slight tension is evident in the air where it’s obviously the crowd is baying for the inevitable strains of 'Metal On Metal' to ring out. Wherein it’s with rapturous response when those opening chords kick in, the party now in full swing. Followed by a decent cover of Born To be Wild on encore, as the crowd slowly makes it’s way out the venue that little bit more alive and smiling, much like the erstwhile band on stage.
To find out more about Anvilclick here. Words by John Tonner