Time to get down and dirty with Dopethrone and Gurt
Canadian stoners Dopethrone and British sludge merchants Gurt team up to destroy Europe. Pass the bong.
Dopethrone/Gurt @ The Star and Garter, Manchester - 24/06/2014 It seems rare these days to attend a gig where every band on the bill is strong but tonight that's exactly what we get. Manchester's own Nomad get this evening of sludge off to a great start despite admitting themselves that they're still recovering from Hellfest the weekend before. The riffs come think and fast while front-man Drian Nash gets up close and personal with the audience and sounds impressively like he does on their EP, The House is Dead. Being on their home turf probably helps but Nomad go down a treat. Definitely ones to keep your eye on. Next up is Wizard's Beard who amicably keep the filth flowing. Shades of Take a Worm for a Walk Week are brought to mind when singer Craig Jackson paces up and down in the audience and doesn't even even use his mic at some points. This man looks likes he's ready smash someone. Another decent effort, this evening is shaping up nicely. If you haven't heard of Gurt then shame on you. Featured in Subba-Cultcha's list of bands to watch in 2014 back at the start of the year
(click here), Gurt have quickly established themselves as one of the most hard working and premium bands in the UK sludge scene. Opening with the excellent You Ain't from Round These Parts? the boys from London immediately raise the bar. Having just released their debut album, Horrendosaurus, we're treated to a batch of brand new songs, some of which receive their first live plays.
The catchy title track is followed by the brutal (and superbly named) Sludge Puppies. Their heaviest and fastest song, Gareth Kelly screams his balls off on this one. Dave Blakemore's bass on Sophisticate is so insanely loud that if it doesn't threaten to cause structural damage to the building then Simon Edwards bashing the living shit out of his drums will. Gurt's ace in the hole though is guitarist Rich Williams. His riffs on Exscriptus Spiritus is a perfect example of glorious sludge, while the slowing main riff to Spiced Doom is colossal. Fan favourite Dudes with Beards with Cats (is there a cooler named song?) pushes the crowd over the edge and the band exits stage left triumphantly. You need this band in your life. Dopethrone have funded this whole European tour themselves so it's great to see the venue packed for them to bring their filthy, Canadian sludge to the the UK. These guys look like an outlaw biker gang who came to get high and party and that's exactly what they do. The guitar tone is sick and Vincent Houde's vocals sound like he's channeling a demon. Songs about drugs, drugs and more drugs, Dopethrone wear their hearts on their sleeve and are simply superb. We're treated to an airing of a brand new work in progress which sounds great, despite Vince claiming it's a "piece of shit", while other songs from previous records III and Dark Foil are lapped up by the now manic crowd. An hour of smoke filled and THC soaked, sludge is sadly over all too quickly. Let's hope all these bands are coming to a tour near you soon. 10/10 Dopethrone and Gurt are on your in Europe now until 14th July. Check the bands' websites for details. Horrendosaurus is out now on When Planets Collide. www.dopethrone/bandcamp.com www.gurt.co.uk www.wizardsbeard.co.uk www.nomaddoom.bandcamp.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uhcZYaDNFw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvbkkxmHxw8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGqNqYaCuhU