Ethereally, emotive singer songwriter Banks impresses in Glasgow
After increasing momentum and music industry buzz following the release of the Fall Over and London EP’s respectively in 2013. Seemingly elusive musician and singer songwriter Jillian Banks brings her stripped down, minimal show to Glasgow’s ABC.
Banks Glasgow O2 ABC, 23/03/14
Opening well if somewhat subdued, the pace of the gig truly picks up with the introduction of the engaging, hypnotic Change with its dark-tinged R & B edges and smoky overtones. Wherein there’s a somewhat ethereal air to the show, with strobe lighting back dropping that familiar rhapsodic, somewhat vulnerable voice. And Banks own stage persona owing something to both Stevie Nicks and Kate Bush. Though influences aside, there’s enough individuality there to certainly engage. And moreover clearly enough emotion, conviction and for want of a better word soul to keep things interesting throughout.
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With some numbers in the set showing a heavy American, R and B influence and a fair bit of processed vocals. It’s when things get back to basics and stripped down that the voice soars. Evident in a strong, exuberant guitar led version of Warm Water, singularly the best song of the night, all dominant vocals and impressively funky guitar to the fore. With an emotionally charged The Way It Feels a further highlight, and a live showing of Fall Over to the crowd’s evident rapture, now clearly onside and helplessly won over. With the minimal band, basically a lone guitar player, Banks and an occasional drummer nonetheless keeping things engaging and dynamic throughout. Before the crowd’s make their way out to a freezing cold Glasgow night, just that little bit more alive and at one with the World.