The Rifles offer us an alternative Christmas at the Boogaloo
With their trademark Mod sound, and a loyal fanbase firmly cut from the indie-pop era jib, every song on the setlist was as anthemic as the last. Celebrating the critical acclaim for the forthcoming album, ‘None The Wiser’, the new sat comfortably with the timeless classics of old, Peace and Quiet being one of many that made the hairs stand up.

Nigh on ten years of service as a unit, and three really solid albums to the good, these fellas seem to have their feet still firmly planted on the ground. It feels like you’re watching your mates play in the local, surrounded by all your other mates, stood arm in arm and knowing each song word for word. It’s all feel good stuff, and stuff we can relate to. And all this enthusiasm and gusto on the third night of three back to back shows all in the same place. And not for the first year either.
It is clear that ‘None The Wiser’ will remember its roots, but we also get the hint of a nod to the new with a little folk, a smidge of Americana and a strong pop sensibility added to the equation too. Rest assured that the vital ingredient remains, the solid base of any Rifles song, the highly-deft songwriting and, all too often amiss amongst others these days, audible lyrics.
The Rifles will continue to make albums at their own pace; they will continue to be successful, and they will most likely watch many new kids, with new ideas, come and go. The Rifles are veterans. Experts at their craft. They will continue to sell out some of the largest venues that London, or anywhere else for that matter, can offer them. And they will also continue, along with their fans, try their best to take the roofs off of those venues. These boys are good, wholesome indie fun that make you remember exactly why this was the type of music that found you and stayed with you all those years ago.