REVIEW gig Old Subbacultcha Old Subbacultcha

Our Last Night Lead Superb Line-Up For First Gig In Italy

Our Last Night's first ever gig in Italy as headliners was definitely one to remember. Thanks to the collaboration of two amazing local bands and their world-touring partners Palisades, the crowd who was lucky enough to be at the event had a great time for sure.

Many Italian fans had been waiting for this moment to come for a long time, and the California based post-hardcore band put on a show worth the many months, and sometimes even years, of waiting. The night opened with the energetic sounds and enterprising stage presence of the alternative punk-rock band Over, Modena based, who pumped the crowd right with a mixture of catchy choruses and heavy verses.

Second in line were the Italian Soldiers Of A Wrong War, playing their first gig in Milan after a very long time. The crowd welcomed them well, many people already knew all the songs and the connection created between the stage and the audience was definitely one of a kind. They're currently working on their new songs under a good label and they gave their fans a taste of what's about to come during their set, presenting their brand new single coming out in the next few weeks.

The night was already getting nice and hot, but little we all knew about the energy that was about to hit the Legend Club stage. Palisades, the world-touring partners of Our Last Night, put on one of the most energetic, captivating, fun and alternative shows I've ever been able to experience in my life. With their sound that reminds of a brilliant meeting between the good old Linkin Park and the undying Enter Shikari, they summoned all the energy that the room had to offer, involving both old fans and new ones into their contagious craziness. The 45 minute set was exactly what was needed at that point of the night, when the most anticipated band was about to hit the stage.

When the first two members of Our Last Night came on stage, the crowd went mental. Soon enough all four members took their places on stage and their set took off with the well-known “Same Old War”, the first single taken from their last EP, 'Oak Island'. Involving the crowd into the performance with constant eye-contacts and hands-holding, their set went on with the oldies but goodies “Age Of Ignorance” and “Fate”. For an old time fan, the difference between this band and the one they used to be two years ago is bottomless; the main improvement can be seen in the singers' voices, now more mature and adaptable to different version of the songs.

The energy emanated from the stage, thanks to the hard work of Trevor Wentworth, the lead singer, could have easily covered a room double the size of the Legend Club. The set went on, following the flow of adrenaline and participation from all sides of the room, with “Dark Storms” and “Reason To Love”.

One of the main thing one should know about these guys is definitely the role they have now in the music industry (even without being signed to a label) that was achieved thanks to their incredible talent in covering popular pop songs in order to turn them into heavy rock-ish anthems. All those who were lucky enough to catch them on this tour or on their previous ones know that part of their set is dedicated to these covers; the one the fans in Milan were able to experience were the undying “Skyfall” and Katy Perry's “Dark Horse”, which is definitely one of their best.

The band then announced the release period of their self-produced brand new album, at the beginning of June, and played the first single taken from it and uploaded on YouTube just two weeks before, called “Home”. The crowd was completely involved, thanks to the catchy chorus and the fast pace of the verse, with lyrics taken directly from the life experience of the lead singer.

The connection between the band and the crowd reached its peak during one of the most, if not the absolute most, emotional and deep tracks of their career, taken from their EP and inspired by the famous documentary “Bully”. The song, which allows amazing sing-alongs and crowd participation, brought the whole performance to the next level, where everyone was deeply enjoying the moment and the atmosphere created thanks to the light of several phones and lighters popping out from the crowd. This atmosphere of intimacy went on along the lines of the acoustic track “Falling Away”, performed as part of the encore by the two singers (and brothers) in the band. The voices coming from the audience almost completely covered the clean sound of the acoustic guitar played by Matt Wentworth, and the overall feeling was of union and harmony between the stage owners and the devoted crowd.

Their brilliant and never disappointing set could have not ended in a better way than with the heavy sounds of “I've Never Felt This Way”, when all the energy created during the set was finally released from the crowd to the four-piece band owning the small stage.

The evolution of this band in the past two years has been incredible, they've grown as people and as musicians, leveling their rough sides and allowing their talent to reach a bigger and bigger fanbase all over the world; if you've got the chance to see them, just go for it, they'll make well sure you won't have to regret it.

To find out more about any of the bands follow the links below:


Soldiers Of A Wrong War


Our Last Night

Words by Giulia Elia