Floorboards Tremble As Bury Tomorrow Own The Stage
A memo was clearly missed as leather studded jackets, low-cut vests and overly-exposed tattoos seemed to be the dress requirements for the Bury Tomorrow show at Hobos, Bridgend.
Kicking straight into their powerful intro, "From Her Eyes" open the night with some traditional post-‘metalcore’. The relatively calm atmosphere of the crowd did not dampen the bands spirit as their singer sent off slick side flicks of long hair as he swayed with his band members following big breakdowns. Although the group followed a traditional song setup which has come to be quite typical of the genre, they deliver an impressive performance which knocks the drink drowsiness out of the audience, ready for the remaining acts.
As the crowd find their places after a mad rush between gig room and bar area, Polar make their way on to the stage. A big chunk of meaty hardcore slams down on the attendees plates which they lap up with no questions asked. Bringing an adrenaline injection to the night, the interaction between singer and audience brings in an encouraging wall of fist pumps as they tear through their set. Although they seemed to slightly clash in their individual stage presence, the music overwhelmed this small factor, exposing the quintet to be strong musicians within the field.
Almost as fast as flipping a switch, the spectators find their voices and erupt in a cry of drunken excitement as the headlining entourage known as Bury Tomorrow enter the room. Playing a collection of their early back catalogue work as well as songs from their latest albums, frontman Dan refuses to leave the venue intact.
Encouraging their fans to lose their minds, the mosh pits swell and surge as bodies are flung left right and centre. Packing powerful guitar riffs accompanied by savage drum beats and a recognisable roar, the Southampton artists flaunt their talent by yet again owning the stage as the floor trembles from the reverberation. Another conquering display of Bury Tomorrow’s ability to put on a great show (even if it will leave a serious case of sore necks and chronic hangovers to follow).
To find out more about Bury Tomorrow click here.
To visit the Bury Tomorrow Facebook page click here.
Words by Nathan Roach.