REVIEW album Old Subbacultcha Old Subbacultcha


Old Subbacultcha

Old Subbacultcha

Melodic progressive tech-metal your bag? Look no further!

SUBBA-CULTCHA.COM SAYS: "Hailing from Toronto, Intervals are made up of guitarists Aaron Marshall and Lukas Guyader, drummer Anup Sastry and bassist-cum-vocalist Mike Semesky. The band began life as Marshall's solo venture, with debut EP The Space Between (2011) recorded in his home studio before turning Intervals into a fully-fledged touring unit. 2012 saw the release of In Time, garnering further popularity and amorous glances from the metal community but it's only in the early stages of this year and Semesky's appointment as frontman that Intervals have truly shown their wares. Debut full-length A Voice Within, released this week on Basick Records is an impressive statement, a soaring, powerful and progressive slice of modern metal with the added benefit of emotional impact and substance that Semesky's clean, strong vocal delivery brings. Check the video out below and keep an eye out for our interview with the band."


A Voice Within’ is a nine track progressive-metal journey inspired by a vast array of styles; jazz-fusion, neoclassical and electronica elements are all apparent, adding exciting a vast array of colours to the metallic framework. The impressive musicianship and songwriting are showcased from the start, but as the album progresses, expansive dynamics, infectious hooks and mature arrangements are what make this record stand out as something special.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2220909287 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]1549219_619678334735748_271589412_nYou can purchase physical copies of A Voice Within here.

Or digital copies from here.