REVIEW album Methedras Human Deception

Methedras Are Back With A High Dose Of Brutality In "Human Deception"

Human Deception


Over 20 years of honorable service in the thrash metal scene, Methedras redefined his trademark with a new interesting album. And yeah, "Human Deception" is a very angry album indeed. With driving blast-beat drumming, guitars that are tightly wound and aimed like venomous arrows directly into the cerebellum and vocals that could shred flesh from bones it is a finely crafted creation that seeps a mood that permeates the entire record.

With a new frontman and drummer on board, Methedras are finally ready to intrigue different types of listeners, with an important name as Fredrik Nordstrom behind the producers desk. If you want an idea about them, "Envy Society" and "Psychotic" are two perfect example of their idea of metal 2.0.