REVIEW album Alex Roberts Love & Supernatural

Folk Singer, Alex Roberts, And His Latest Album! 'Love & Supernatural'

Love & Supernatural

Alex Roberts

Are you a fan of folk music? I’ve got just the artist for you! Acclaimed folk singer, Alex Roberts, is here with his new, 17-track album, ‘Love & Supernatural’. The album is ready for your enjoyment, and trust me when I say, you do not want to miss this one!

With ‘Love & Supernatural’s original release coming in 2012, Alex Roberts has re-released the album for its 10 year anniversary, which has seen him deliver some classics as well as adding in bonus tracks, such as live versions of album favourites, ensuring this time, it’s much more intimate than before!

Kicking the album off, is the lead single, ‘Wandering Aengus’, a passionate song written following the story of W. B. Yeats’ 1897 poem, ‘The Song of Wandering Aengus’, turning the poem into a timeless tale for modern society to hear. Starting the album off perfectly, Alex Roberts instantly delivers a vocal masterclass accompanied by outrageous guitar-playing that forms together to absolutely blow you away.

Going into the second track, ‘Sweet Surrender’, the first thing that pops out is the contrast from ‘Wandering Aengus’. Sticking with the acoustic style, using the same immense vocals, the pace is slowed allowing the track to flow so differently from the last. Lyrics that keep you hooked under the rhythm of the repeating acoustic guitar, it’s an example of how Alex Roberts is able to use simple methods to create music that is unique and absolutely fantastic.

Going through the rest of ‘Love & Supernatural’, it never strays from being of the highest quality. Alex Roberts has a voice tailored for the acoustic guitar, made to sing with an emotive and raspy vocals, it’s the perfect mix for what his music is about. Other songs such as ‘Broken Bow’, ‘Lord Franklin’, ‘To Sophia’ and ‘On Your Journey Home’ really nail down how good this album is. Multiple approaches, multiple executions, with all the same sounds that I love.

With additional live tracks, we’re able to have Alex Roberts’ talent further verified. Intimate versions of well-known songs such as ‘Every Fall on Your Step’ and ‘Wandering Aengus’ leave me in awe of the vocal capabilities of Roberts.

‘Love & Supernatural’ is an immense, acoustic-folk album that is sure to be followed up with more awe-inspiring music.