Julia Thomsen Soothes With 'Walking In A Dream'
Walking In A Dream (Single)
Julia Thomsen
There is nothing more satisfying than witnessing the perfect union of a musical work with its composer, just as we can see here with Julia Thomsen's brand-new classical composition, 'Walking In A Dream'. The new release is a delicious addition to Julia's already impressive discography, which has amassed well into the millions of streams combined over the last few years.
The piano tone that fills the room as 'Walking In A Dream' begins to play is best described as having a dulcet and heavenly quality to it; it creates an aura unlike any other. This tone surrounds the listener as the song starts to play out of the speakers. The progression is beautiful to listen to, and it takes us on a journey that is rich in feeling as we make our way through it. Additionally, Julia brings the positive energy of life to a distance that we can see and touch, and she reaches deep to envelop us in the sense of diversion from whatever may be happening around us in terms of our lives and our surroundings.
As 'Walking In A Dream' progresses, we are left honied-eyed with a mellifluent violin accompaniment, adding more sentiment to the sensation one has already acquired with the piano lead that introduced the tune initially. It is evident from Julia's art that she surrounds herself with only calming and positive energy, which can be felt at every step of her performance, bringing her enthusiasm to all of us, and she delivers in style.