A Tennant Who Is Here To Stay
Forever Roses
Jay Tennant
Jay Tennant’s new album Forever Roses starts off with the Big Countryesque Journey into the Night which combines an anthemic guitar with an insistent vocal that is refreshingly different and fits really well with the excellent guitar work. Star Chasing reminds me of early 90s R.E.M. with its jangly guitar and the vocal performance which has a sardonic edge to it in the verses. It is a song that would be really effective live. Star City Serenade is an upbeat and appealing track that is built on another great piece of guitar work, but whereas the first two tracks had echoes of the 90s, this one seems to have a 60s vibe to it which I loved. The tunes of all three are simply superb and they anchor Tennant’s voice in their different ways incredibly effectively.
Poker Polka definitely isn’t a polka! What it is, is a song with a real edge to it with a vocal that which reminded a bit of 80s indie favourite Lloyd Cole. This time, the guitar has a definite Britpop style vibe which, like everything else on the album sticks in your head instantly. I really enjoyed The Black Angel which had yet another great tune and a vocal that is my favourite on the album. Sparks is a New Wave anthem that would not have been out of place in the late 70s or early 80s and it grabs you from the first few notes, never letting go. Stone Cold is a heartfelt ballad that once again reminded me of R.E.M. with hints of The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight in places. It finishes the middle part of the album with perhaps the most complete track on the album with music and vocals blending perfectly.
Spectre starts the final trio of tracks with a confident soft rock track that has drive and attitude in abundance. It shows Tennant’s range as the vocal moves up and down the octaves with ease and power to spare. Exile Central, the penultimate track, has a slightly cocky edge to the lyrics in the best possible way. There is a cheekiness to the vocal that is instantly appealing and reminds me of Steve Harley at times. Twilight Tango is the finale and it sends the record off in a blaze of confidence and catchiness that really hits the sport. It tells the listener that Jay Tennant definitely has the bit between his teeth and it left me looking forward to his next album, promised later in 2022.