Jafar Curry
Loving My Girl
Jafar Curry Presents, Quite Possibly, My Favourite Song From Him To Date!
Loving My Girl
Jafar Curry
There's something about this release that instantly captured me. It feels like a safe haven and something you'd stick on to help soothe any sort of worries away. Titled 'Loving My Girl', the track is prominently R&B and embodies the greats such as Stevie Wonder, James Brown and I can definitely hear some Prince in the mix too.
Talking about the power of love, the mistakes we make while in love and relationships, the track is about the beauty of our experiences. Built around a funky, original backbeat rooted in hip-hop and funk while maintaining a nice melodic and vocally rich timbre.
The perfect addition to your Valentines playlist, it's proudly sitting on mine.