Jay Moussa-Mann Brings Some Fun To The Table
American Tennessee (Single)
Jay Moussa-Mann
Jay Moussa-Mann is back with a brand new release: American Tennessee, and it's a fun-loving, imaginative pop track that will have you dancing.
Moussa-Mann is an artist who has perfected her own unique blend of indie rock and folk music. The opening section of this track is pure genius, seamlessly introducing the audience into the musical world of the artist, challenging the right mood and really creating some solid foundations for the entire piece. American Tennessee is highly recommended if you are a fan of Wilco, Courtney Barnett, and Dixie Chicks. This song is also great for any indie rock and folk fan looking for new music that isn’t necessarily a carbon copy of whatever else is out there, but rather pushes the envelope, taking the listeners to new heights and redefining the focal points that make the genre so endearing. Jay is almost a re-inventor, in the way that her music is going to make you feel like you are almost hearing indie-folk for the very first time, since her approach is so one-of-a-kind!
Find out more about Jay Moussa-Mann, and listen to American Tennessee wherever you get your music streams from.