Bryan Banks Comes Full Circle With “The Sudden Sound Of Urgency”
The Sudden Sound of Urgency (Single)
Bryan Banks
Bryan Banks' epic record “The Sudden Sound of Urgency” combines the lyrics and music together to mirror the feeling of urgency. The rhythm and flow of the album has as sound of urgency as the song comes in fast and maintains an intense level throughout the song only to slow down in the chorus long enough to take a breath.
The urgency mimics that of running a race where you speed up and slow down all while having the goal of never giving up and needing to come in first. Banks vocals are reminiscent of Nickelback and Foo Fighters while blending together to form a unique style of rock.
Banks is best known for his eclectic rock vocals with a modern age sound that take you back in time to what rock used to be and what we all loved while keeping it sounding up to date with today's musical waves. On the lead single he sings “I thought you were the one,"; he hits the chorus with a power punch of repetition that rips open the heart as the electric guitar solos shake things up as whole. You can hear the desperation and urgency of getting away from a horrible situation. “Watch me turn on you” was the turning point of the song and bringing it back to the chorus with strong vocals to match.
I will not turn away from this song and look forward to hearing more from Banks!
To listen on Spotify: