Burning Jacobs Ladder
Danger In Me (Single)
Burning Jacobs Ladder - Danger In Me - Single Review
Danger In Me (Single)
Burning Jacobs Ladder
Australia have given us a lot of things, mostly a hard time really, but I do joke there. Here's a great new thing they've given us: Burning Jacobs Ladder.
This single (Danger In Me) has all the credibility of someone like Mark Lanegan but also has a very commercial edge veering towards Spiritualized IMO.
There's not a lot to go here but it looks like this is a solo project by Jake Johnson. I do wonder if this will (or has!) turn into a full band project because I can imagine this blowing people away in a live scenario.
I look forward to hearing more from Burning Jacobs Ladder because if this single is anything to go on then I think good things ahead.
Lets hear the follow up ASAP please.
Listen to it!