Dave Kalz Rocks The Blues With New Album 'Relish'
Dave Kalz
Milwaukee-based blues-rocker Dave Kalz stupefies with his new album, 'Relish'. The showstopper exemplifies modern blues-rock with a direction that pays off from the instant.
Opening the album is 'Mexico', which takes no prisoners with its nail-biting riffs and seamless gritty vocal hooks. Dave Kalz takes a hint from the greatest names in the scene but yet creates a unique display of his own; it is compelling!
'Flying High' soars with delight, and the mouth-watering tone which leaks out of his guitar is infectious. Likewise, Dave stays well away from the status quo with a unique vocal approach; he sounds distant in the mix, but he still gets the goosebumps in motion with his flavoursome timbre.
The guitar truly comes to life on 'Route 666' and the driving force drum rhythm gets the sides jiving in a frenzy; it is fair to say that his fans would be going wild hearing this one blasting out of an indie basement. Likewise, Dave's prowess shines radiantly on 'She's Got A Hemi' with him adopting a sound which many will compare to some of the legends from the 60s. Here his low vocal tone gets the attention, and he synergises with each instrument with top class.
'Taxman' can do little wrong, and it brings a new texture to the forefront. Furthermore, the groovy rhythm hits like thunder, and the impressive structure gives Dave the distinct edge he craves. Finally, the album comes close to completion with 'I Can't Quit Ya Baby', which slows down the endorphins somewhat but covers the ears with a delicious guitar intonation.
'Playing The Blues' wraps up the 11 track album, and it leaves me itching to hit replay for another fix. So many new sounds rise on this track, with an organ driving the way and a vocal from Dave, which has a Chris Rea similarity.