A J Wander Brings Mature Thoughtful Pop With Single 'Eye To Eye'
Eye To Eye (Single)
AJ Wander
London UK based singer songwriter A J Wander is an up-and-coming artist with star potential. It was widely covered in the music press that he recently signed a lucrative music publishing deal. The industry seems to have its watchful eyes on this artist. Which is a perfect lead in to the new single: ‘Eye To Eye’ follows the success of his acclaimed debut single, ‘Time Out’ and is a golden opportunity for this talented young songwriter to demonstrate the maturity of his song-writing skills, and indeed he does that beautifully.
"Eye To Eye" is a solid pop track, albeit with a ‘ballady’ (is that a word?) feel to it, and sees the artist expertly pull from his own experience of a relationship in trouble: the lyrics are mellow and reflective and have that inner monologue of pondering how things went wrong and if they could be fixed. The video is highly reflective of this depicting a relationship in dire trouble- (as well as some groovy 70’s bedroom wallpaper!)
So, we’ve all been there and worn THAT tee-shirt; the song and its themes are instantly identifiable. “Try resolve - stick or ditch?” In the end it seems that Wander decides that perhaps it’s best to love and let go if it doesn’t work? A mature decision and, indeed, the structures of his songs; the lyrics and melodies, are mature in themselves.
This is grown up singer song writing. Indeed, it will be interesting to see how this artist develops from ‘hereonin’ (is that a word too?!) If you dig a real belter hook of a chorus and are a sucker for catchy, yet thoughtful pop music then A J Wander is someone you should put on your ‘Ones To Watch’ list. Recommend.