Da Poloman Delivers Emotional Hip Hop Release 'Love At First Sight'
Love At First Sight (Single)
Da Poloman
Da Poloman and Sara Alavi bring intensity with their new release 'Love At First Sight'. It is the first single I have reviewed from the pair, but it feels as though I am a long term listener, given how much the new piece resonates with me.
'Love At First Sight' is an emotional release with an angelic opener. It kicks off with a rising synth arrangement which instantly sets the tone for the entire track. Furthermore, the intro leads us onto their adventure, and the pair do not disappoint with top-quality performances which are contagious.
Vocally, Sara takes the lead with a colossal melody line. She sings with firm conviction, and her angelic delivery pierces the heartstrings. Da Poloman also accompanies her with the odd word popping to the forefront of the mix with his signature low range flourishing. He then leaps forward with a delicate rap which expresses his message conspicuously.
The music direction sticks to a contemporary style, but it is inspiring. Moreover, it comes with a driving melody, and although there is nothing too complicated in the foundation, it ticks all the right boxes with it catapulting the track to a great height. Also, I enjoy how the pair synergise with their deliveries. Often, it feels as though they have been singing together for years, but from my research, this appears to the first time they have joined forces. Additionally, as the track progresses, the message gets even more profound, and you will soon start echoing out the lead hook well after listening.