Master Of Rhymes Delivers Mightiest Of Sermons At (Near) Homecoming Show...
Ghostpoet effortlessly melds rhymes and melodies into something so visceral it could melt your face off like the scene from Indiana Jones...

It's not often you stumble across an artist who can set two worlds on a collision course of invention and delight. With many artists fearing the ignominy of standing alone in their personal artistic quest, they relent and end tainting their vision with elements they feel will grab attention or appeal to a wider audience, especially in these times of shrinking investment or fiscal opportunities (unless of course you're Clean Bandit and in one greedy swipe, pretty much destroy any credibility you were desperately clinging onto).
It takes real character to create your own musical world that leads, rather than following the crowd in the chase of the filthy lucre and Ghostpoet has carved out a niche of his own with the potential to open many doors along the way.
In a world where clueless indie kids desperately cling hold to their middle of the road ideals whilst creating petitions to keep Glastonbury Kanye-free, it's refreshing to see an artist who creates music built around his hard un-tethered flow attract such a diverse crowd. Libertines T-shirts nestle alongside Mogwai and Public Enemy tees, and the melting pot of open mindedness is richly rewarded with over an hour's worth Ghostpoet's finest.
Entering the stage with little fanfare or fuss, Ghostpoet seems instantly at ease with the adulation that greets him. A groove begins to gather pace as guitars flourish and a deep bassline keeps things driving forwards. Icy synths begin to meld with the underlying melody before a missed beat snaps into GP's flow, his lyrical dexterity is tempered by his moody and malevolent delivery. Each line delivered with the expression of a man sitting you down and teaching you a sermon of truth, you feel at ease, there's space and time to let each sentence open up and deliver a whole new version of events.
As a host Ghostpoet is quite comfortable letting the music do the talking, only really opening up to inform us that this is as close to a homecoming show as he can muster (he was raised down the road in Tooting), it doesn't feel like he's shunning his fans, but instead has faith in the directness of his lyrics and the all encompassing reach of his music.
With many artists desperate to fill your heads with as many ways of grabbing your attention as possible, it's refreshing to have an artist who is happy to let his creativeness take centre stage and leave the ego at the door. It's an epic and rewarding journey through his finest works, you may never envision him conquering the musical world, but you do know that those he touches will be richer for the experience.
To find out more about Ghostpoet click here.
To visit the Ghostpoet Facebook page click here.
Words by Jeremy Chick