Conrad Ashton Brings Some Swagger To Latest EP 'No Post On Sundays'
No Post On Sundays (EP)
Conrad Ashton
We have seen plenty of artists forced to strip back their sound in light of the coronavirus lockdown, but when you are like Conrad Ashton, this style fits you like a glove. With a range of retro inspirations like The Rolling Stones, Elvis Costello and The Jam, Ashton looks to bring his direction roaring into the 21st century with this fresh and exciting new collection 'No Post On Sundays'.
Opening up with the brilliant lead single 'Like No One Else Do', the Newcastle native brings a sense of fun and buoyant joy to everything he writes. With his powerful voice running at full pelt through this new EP, he manages to turn a stripped-back aesthetic into something that'll genuinely have you pumping your fists and stomping your feet.
In all, Conrad Ashton looks to be one of those artists heading for great things in his career. With a sound this uplifting and engaging, who knows where we will see him next.