Revel In Am I Dead Yet?'s Glorious Gloom
Am I Dead Yet?
Am I Dead Yet?
New musical project from Pop Will Eat Itself & Gaye Bykers On Acid frontman, Mary Byker and Apollo 440 founder-member, Magazine guitarist & long-time collaborator, Noko was never going to be an easy listen, but pop Dave Vanian, Pulp, David Lynch, 50s rock ‘n’roll & a sprinkling of poet, Byron into a blender, whizz up the mixture and imbibe immediately, for just a taste of what Am I Dead Yet? are all about.
Certainly not music for a sunny day, it’s the soundtrack to a walk in a dystopian, grey rain-drenched city. Orchestral, electronic lamentations on empty celebrity culture, life, death & social media. Its eclectic, its clever, its unexpected, its melodramatic and even sweetly romantic. It shouldn’t work, but it does; improving listen-on-listen until you are well & truly addicted -and the bands eerie, dark & jangly cinematic soundscapes echo gorgeously around your head. All that’s left is to revel in Am I Dead Yet’s glorious gloom.