REVIEW album Brad Bru & The Crowd Goes Wild How Absurd

Brad Bru & The Crowd Goes Wild - How Absurd

Chicago singer-songwriter Brad Brubaker and his band The Crowd Goes Wild craft witty, sometimes silly songs in the vein of Zappa, Ween and 90's pop punk acts The Mr. T Experience and Green Day.

'How Absurd' opens with the hyper-local “She Uses Public Transportation” and “Some Things Don’t Belong in Our Mouths,” which is not what you think it's about unless you are a germ-a-phobic dental hygienist.

“Status Update This, Jerks” takes aim at the overuse of public media while “Walrus Love Song” is a straightforward funk song about, well, a sexy Walrus.

“PSA, Watch Your Language” tackles the taboo language that some men never seem to outgrow but is followed by the juvenile (and very witty) "Chop My Hand Off" and “The Wings of an Eagle,” which is about a "mighty member" if you get my drift.