The Youts Release New Single 'River'
River (Single)
The Youts
The four-piece band from the suburbs of London formed in 2016, have released their most recent track ‘River’. The band is made up of college mates, Rah Panchal (Rhythm ad vocals), George Curnick (Lead Guitar), Chris Espinet (Bass) and Cameron Ford (Drums), and show clearly influences of Arctic Monkeys and Blur.
Their newest track ‘River' combines head banging vocals with infectious guitar riffs that make you want to jump up and sing along. This band are keen to remind us that garage-punk is not dead with their energetic and at times frantic sound. The track is full of story-telling taking you back to those lost days as a teenager.
‘River’ makes you jump back a good couple of years, you are back sitting in your room at your parents house with your MP3 player listening to the likes of Bowling For Soup and Blink 182, doing air guitar all round your room. The Youts manage to carve themselves into the mould that is pop-punk and embrace the scene. Although not the angriest of punk songs, you still get the sense of teenage angst, which I think is the reason this track is so gravitating. The track is an insight as to what being trapped in a big city feels like and feeling as though their is no path for you and you don’t belong. Following in the footsteps of Bowing For Soup’s kind of sound, there tracks are still filled with many key lessons, the main theme in ‘River’ being never to give up and dust yourself off.
This band seem to have created their own style through fusing catchy pop-style choruses with the punk angst. Allowing us to all not belong, together.