That Hard Second Album
Domino Blitz
Tim Muddiman
I thought to myself over the last few years that I had gotten to an age where there was no more exiting music to be had. How wrong could I be. I stumbled across Tim Muddiman's first album 'Paradise Runs Deeper' just as the Pledge Music campaign ended. I made sure that I was in pole position for the launch of the next outing.
Throughout the campaign Tim kept us abreast of the torturous twists and turns of the album's development. Trying to get across the artistic wranglings he was facing, Releasing snippets of tunes and ideas, which certainly had me hooked.
His pledge store had a wide range of goodies to keep us interested too. His use of social media was well exercised and promised everything that has now been delivered. Something that is essential these days for an independent artist.
This album is a lyrically complex offering with winding melodies, great hooks and a delivery that is quickly becoming recognisable as the Tim Muddiman sound. Stripped back dirty blues style for some tracks, others more full and layered, with glorious subtle harmonies.
"Broken Down Superstar", the opening track is an immediate like for me, there is a hook there that I will be humming till the day I die... really I will.
The title track track "Domino Blitz" is a wonderful tune that takes you to a place you wish you could spend time in to get away from the madness of this world we inhabit.
I have listened to the album quite a few times now and Tim's influences are there to see, but NOT in a plagiaristic way. Think of all the good bits of Nick Cave and Shane MacGowan (I can even hear a bit of Joy Division) delicately interwoven with Tim's inimitable vocal and guitar style.
You will not be disappointed. I haven't pressed the "skip track" button once. I'm looking forward to a live presentation of the songs and am already hungry for the next album.
Nice one Tim!