'Down The Aisle' By Music Theory
Down The Aisle
Music Theory
You have to commend new pop artists who come into a highly occupied genre, trying to make name for themselves. You'd think that you'd have to be doing something radical and different to help yourself stand out from the crowd, but in the case of Music Theory, an emerging pop artist from Egypt, he's keeping it simple and going with a classic mode of pop music that borrows influence from the best.
As a highly ambitious artist, Music Theory looks up to the likes of iconic acts such as Michael Jackson, Maroon 5 and Usher when it comes to sourcing inspiration for his music.
It becomes clear that these artists have a strong hold on Music Theory when you listen to his latest single 'Down The Aisle' which takes the form of a classic pop love song- romance isn't dead after all!
A gentle, wistful guitar line holds the track together and provides a delicate melody that sits in perfect harmony with the soft, yet soaring vocals.
Music Theory's lyricism is without a doubt simple, but when addressing a topic like love, why over-complicate things? As the track comes to a close, a stunning, face-melting guitar solo rips through that gentle facade, providing that deep level of emotion that fuels the track.
Growing up, Music Theory admits that he was a fairly shy character, but he found that the therapeutic platform of music allowed him to release his thoughts and dreams, providing a cathartic outlet for his feelings.
If you're a lover of anything pop related, then be sure to give this one a try!