Drowners Entertain The Kids On A Lexington School Night
Bursting with energy and jangly rhythms, Drowners were nothing but hard and fast.
The Strokes and Smiths inspired structures (short, and occasionally sweet) were occluded by the deafening and slurry vocals rasped throughout. Acting like rock stars they aspire to be, the band brought with them boundless energy, dripped in stage swagger. Nonetheless, it was clear to see that they were happy to be there as the jolty guitarist took a pause to take a photo of the packed out room, asking every member of the sell out crowd to brandish their middle finger at him. Everyone was more than happy to oblige; say no more. It’d be easy to allude to an endless list of influences (Vaccines and Arctic Monkeys), but we won’t. Clearly revelling in the success of their self titled debut LP way back in January, their back to basics rock - short sharp songs included - has clearly won the hearts of a besotted and swooning female fan-base. The lads in attendance could only dream of what their early 20s could have been, whilst maintaining a steady foot tapping action throughout. An inevitable success during festival season; Drowners offer up good, honest and infectious songs that will see them play to much larger and raucous crowds. There’ll no doubt be a few summer anthems in the pipeline too. http://drownersband.com/