Carina Round Review
Deranged to Divine
Carina Round
Carina Round's 'Deranged to Divine' is an immense compilation of truly gorgeous music. My particular favourite being "You Will Be Loved" featuring some really interesting sound design accompanied by some classic 808 percussion samples. The contrast between the height of the vocal tessitura and the sombre low timbres of the production is something I love about it. The track builds and builds throughout and I begin to forget about the, in comparison, sparse texture of the introduction and feel more intensely passionate about the piece itself and the album.
Carina Round's "How I See It" expresses movement through the almost waltz like swinging beat that drives the track. The addition of clean trumpet brings an even more personal level to the piece on top of the clearly emotional message behind it.
Also commenting from a producers point of view the vocals are compressed perfectly to fit the expression and grit in the lines, with subtle distortion artifacts bringing a little extra to Carina singing her heart out. 'How I See It' is an involving listen as I'm sure you will agree when you listen to it.
All in all the gems that you will find personally in this album will lead you onto a lifetime of searching for more Carina's music.