Eleri Angharad's 'All I Can Do' Is More Than Enough
All I Can Do
Eleri Angharad
Through her musical stint, Eleri Angharad has proven to be an artist who does not simply wait for success to fall into her lap. From 2013 until present day, she has continually busked the streets of various locations including her hometown Swansea, the busy-bustle of America and the calling welcome of Ireland (as well as visiting as many venues to serenade as she could possibly muster).
Releasing her debut E.P. in 2014 also brought about attention from recognized radio stations and Welsh art capitals alike, progressively building up her reputation as the three years passed like ships in the night.
Chosen to receive funding from BBC Horizons and supported by established constituency establishments such as The Arts Council of Wales, her new four track E.P. has finally arrived, created by a handful of talented individuals with country and folk consistently curving through her guitar and vocal chords like the flow of a gentle river reflecting warm sunlight.
A trivial but stimulating division sits between the four recordings where “Stuck On You” and “Liverpool” appear unshackled from the complications and temptation of exaggerated studio editing, favouring the eloquent dash of instrumental subtlety instead, whereas singles “Fuel” and “Like A Dream” beautify themselves with the unconcealed brush strokes of detailed production.
Her descriptive use of poetic lyrics, accompanied by the rich but dramatic instrumental side of “Fuel”, paints quite a vivid picture while “Liverpool” strikes as the diamond in the rough with a blend of delicate percussion, the high-pitched plunk of piano and Miss Angharad’s caramel-glazed vocals.
‘All I Can Do’ discusses the passing of minutes, hours, days, months and years as a key symbolic component with the balance of relationships come and gone. An ideal musical accompaniment when reminiscing cherished memories, new and old.