Paper Planes, Socks and Much More!!
Doing their first tour in the UK is a band called "Psychostick" who is a very unique band. I went to watch them at Nottingham Rock City, but sadly missed the first band "Dog Fashion Disco". They were wearing stuff such as a moose helmet, spiky hat and a Japanese headband. So I think their name fits them well because they're very quirky constantly doing unusual movements and synchronized movements that matched song lyrics, with names like "obey the beard" and "Dogs Like Socks" as well as some vocals in some songs they start acting and sounding like psychos.
In their live performance they used different techniques to get the crowd involved. They had hand signs for sandwiches, a sombrero which everyone had to get a piece of and tore up the hat. They threw socks into the crowd and paper aeroplanes. The crowd seemed to react amazingly well to everything they did, including chats with the crowd. One part in particular was where they were going on about a song they created which took all their skills over the years to create and then played a cord while shouted "fuck!" and that was then the end of the song, which I thought was hilarious.
They did 2 covers during their set one being "Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone" which is originally from the film "Top Gun" and the performance of this song was just amazing! The clean vocals by " Rob "Rawrb" Kersey" are absolutely stunning and blew me away. During the whole set they were great although some of the vocal harmony's was slightly out and near the end it seemed like " Rob "Rawrb" Kersey" was struggling slightly. They also did a funny edited version of "Drowning Pool - bodies" which they have called "I can only count to 4", The lyrics have been changed and they take the piss out of the original lyrics.
The mix was really decent. I would say the tone of the guitars could be better live, I find the guitars are more riffs which is the preference of a lot of metal heads but I prefer lots of guitar melodies. The Smooth, complex Bass was beautiful with lots of sections where you can actually hear it well. There were also many heavy and dark breakdowns which got the crowd moving into a slowed down mosh pit and they even got a circle pit during a acoustic song. Worth seeing live. I loved it and can't wait to see them again. I hope they come back.
Words By Chayce Swain