REVIEW album James Bruner Eye In the Sky (Single)

Nashville’s New Golden Boy

Eye In the Sky (Single)

James Bruner

Steaming in on full throttle from beat one, this healthy slice of pure rock n roll exudes an air of assured confidence.

Riffing guitars motor along taking no prisoners before dropping into the verse that opens up the arrangement & in comes the vocal. This is a song that’s clearly designed to be played live in arenas full of adoring fans throughout the land.

With Jagger-esque moves peppering the track's video that's jam packed with live footage from his recent tour, James Bruner is obviously an artist who just loves live performance. With his trusty band in tow (just watch the video) the guitars move up a gear later in the track to keep the energy building, and that it certainly does to great effect.

Mixing up contemporary ideas of surveillance with classic old school rock themes, the track flirts between a serious message & pure hedonistic letting go. Does it play too much on an era of rock that’s long gone? Maybe, but there’s no denying that Bruner’s on a journey to entertain and take his audience with him no matter what the critics may say - ain’t no stoppin’