Love Buzzard crank up the scuzz rock level to 11!
Love Buzzard
'Antifistamines' is a delightful pun of a title for the debut album from UK band Love Buzzard. If you like your rock scuzzy then this is an album for you. The songs are good and "Cash" kicks off the proceedings in a way that grabs you by the balls and pulls you forward... whether you want to move or not. Some of the sound was for me reminiscent of the now sadly departed Amazing Snakeheads with a lineage that goes back to the best of America's garage bands and perhaps the Troggs.
It is a relentless album that I think you should listen to in one sitting. It doesn't allow you any time to relax before the next sonic explosion pulverizes your eardrums. I think it would be difficult to cherry pick the best tracks, although just to contradict myself the aforementioned "Cash" and "Heaven's Got An Electric Fence" are the stand outs for me.
While I can't see myself giving this album too many repeat plays I am now really keen to witness Love Buzzard on the live stage. This music could be properly incendiary blasting at you from the stage in a moderate sized club or even a festival stage.
If you're a fan of the band you will probably buy this album. If you're not and you like your rock to be scuzzy, dangerous and hard then give it a try. On top of all that if you like albums with great artwork then this one is excellent. I reckon the vinyl version will look awesome!