Future Punk-Disco Classic Gets Vinyl Release!
Destroy The Now
Dylan Rippon
One of the finest British albums of the last twenty years, ‘Destroy The Now’ by Dylan Rippon has just come out on Limited Edition Vinyl to coincide with the release of instant indie classic ‘Sunburn’ which was featured on SKY in a recent feature length documentary film ‘The Warhol Effect’ which explores the late work and legacy of Andy Warhol.
The power of Dylan Rippon’s music rests in his extraordinary sensitivity to the dislocation of the modern experience combined with the stark beauty of his melodies. Throughout the album, Dylan instinctively weaves darkness and light into beauty. ‘Forever’ is a love song for the ages. Anguished and eternal. ‘Mobius Trip’ is a twisted electronic nightmare of folding and unfolding worlds. ‘All Too Human’ is the prayer of everyone standing on the edge of oblivion. ‘Futurismo’ is for a man who knows the future but will never live to see it. ‘Listen’ is the voice that calls from the liminal world.
And new single ‘Sunburn’ explodes the agony of panic in a glorious synthesis of punk and disco.
Baring the hallmarks of a dystopian world spraypainted musically by Kraftwerk, Air, Future Islands, The Killers, Gary Numan, John Lennon, The Cure and David Bowie, Dylan’s influences as cited above are laid bare for all to see but only he could have put something this comprehensive together. A cult gem for the modern age made from a gifted light of life devoted to music and art. This may well be Dylan Rippon’s finest hour and the perfect bridge to connect Gen X and Gen Z.
‘Destroy The Now’ is out now on Hero Rhymes With Zero.