ProFESSional Are Scared To Leave The House
With a clamour for sanity in this age of 24/7 news cycles, Croatian led UK band proFESSional reinvent the often covered subject of overexposure from all that’s wrong in the world on our TV screens. Lyrically the track also incorporates the imagery of an electric chair execution from Henry Miller’s ‘Tropic of Cancer’ to further drive home the point that modern life is brash, brutal and often cares not for the faint hearted.
As for the music, think early Stooges come Dead Kennedys on full throttle. Punchy guitar chords fill the sonic landscape alongside 70’s glam guitar runs that give the track a distinct sound & set it apart from other alt-rock landfill out there at the moment.
There’s a mention of UK national treasure David Attenborough on the third verse that at least attempts to balance the viewpoint showing it’s not all shockingly bad and that the medium of TV does have the potential to inform and educate at times too.
Overall an enticing release for those of us who can find reasons to be cheerful while all around is kicking off and it’s definitely piqued my curiosity in an album that’s apparently due for release next year sometime.