The Winachi Tribe Have Cooked Up Something Wonderful
What a night at The Electric Carousel! The Winachi Tribe have been around the musical block a fair bit and have now carefully handpicked their ingredients, heated the oil, sizzled it all up in the pan, and come together in a great big pot of the best parts of all your favourite dinners.

Tonight is the launch for their debut single “Time for Love” and the feeling that comes across is that this is The Winachi’s time. It’s a culmination of lots of hard work, mixing and melting together, and the evening has a celebratory air. Dinner is served.
Between the early afternoon soundcheck and the six ‘Winachis’ swarming onto the not quite big enough stage at around 10.00pm there was a lot of hanging about, a few minor technical hitches, but still a real sense that this is a night to party.
When they do finally start their set with “Yeah Fool” it’s plain to see that they want a bit of crowd interaction and it only takes seconds for the audience to get up and fill the diminutive dance floor. This is dance party music to throw some serious shapes to, and some of the punters really know how to let their hair down.
The Winachi Tribe don’t just nail it, they bang it in so hard that you’d need some serious industrial tools to remove it. They also totally look the part, which they seemed a little shy about commenting on when I chatted with them before the gig. Yes, I get the fact that the clothes and the shoes are an irrelevant aside, and the only thing that matters is the music, but for this Adidas addict, their look is pure gold.
Someone else who knows how to dress as well as she can sing is the amazing Julie Gordon, who squeezes into the last remaining gap on stage to join the Tribe for the mid set airing of “Time for Love”. Impeccable harmonies, tight moves and such slickness between all seven of them.
"Plant the Seed" brings some mellow vibes into the set. Particularly noticeable in this song is how Liam is one of those lead singers who make it all look effortless and unforced. You would never have guessed that he’d been struggling with beef and cheese pasty vomit just a few hours earlier!
The feel of this one reminds me of some vintage kind of Scooby-Doo background music. In a really good way. It’s chilled and easy and the audience is loving it. A few more top tunes are thrown out, Inder Goldfinger bosses the additional percussion in his unique style, Rich Ritchie goes lower with the bass, and then it’s all over far too quickly.
Could have done with a little bit of dessert maybe but I think those Winachis might need to get back in the kitchen so that they’re ready to serve up the next course. To reiterate my initial reaction – What. A. Night!
To find out more about The Winachi Tribe, click here.
Words & pictures by Mary Long.