Introducing Wu-Wu - A Colourful New Addition To The Vada-Vada Collective
Old Subbacultcha
Old Subbacultcha
Subba-Cultcha always welcomes the chance to introduce a new intriguing artist whose musical creations don’t quite sound like any other – or at least don’t sound like anything from this planet. Wu-Wu (aka Ashley Rose Calhoun) from Orange County, embodies all we like about the multi-dimensional electronic music scene going on at the moment and we thought it apt to write a little about her…
“Wu-Wu” (formerly Geniefactory) we find out, is a made up name - supposedly representing a freed up state of mind where one deliberately avoids genre-placement and labelling - an idea we very much like. As one can see with fellow Vada Vada artists The Garden, Enjoy & Puzzle, genre placement is unnecessary when you’ve got something so unique in its sound and character. In the 21st Century we have musicians that create brilliant songs that can come paired with memorable videos and artwork that are a part of the aesthetic - a part just as crucial as the song itself.
Heavily influenced by punk and experimental electronic music, the beautiful candy babe Ashley Rose Calhoun mixes a few different things for your ears pleasure in her new single ‘Cherry Jubilee’. The entrancing bassline-heavy track could be played in a dark and spooky club late at night what with its dirty garage sprinkles, but would also be perfect for kicking back in the fields on a hot summers day due to the dreamy, new-wave hippie visual treats woven into her sound as well as chimes that subtly drift in and out. Who could mix all she does and make it…work? Wu-Wu, that’s who - she really does make it work.
Wu-Wu is set to release a tape on the mighty Burger Records this year as well as her EP so keep looking out for that. And while you're here we would like you all to make up your own minds what you think of Wu-Wu by listening to and watching her new track, rather than awaiting a wordy article going on about who else she sounds like, ‘cause to be frank, she sounds like herself… and that is oh so wonderful and what it’s all about.
To find out more about Wu-Wu click here.
To visit Wu-Wu's Facebook page click here.
Words byJo Wells